Saturday, June 19, 2010

Home Buyers Extension

The Senate has amended a bill to give homebuyers who were under contract on a home purchase by April 30 an additional three months to close the deal and claim the federal homebuyer tax credit.

Lead by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the amendment to HR 4213, the "American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010" would give buyers until Sept. 30 to complete their purchases and qualify for tax credits of up to $8,000.

Originally, the tax credits gave home buyers until April 30 to get a signed sales contract and until June 30 to complete the sale. This proposed change, approved by a 60-37 vote, would allow people who in contract to finish at the later date. About 180,000 homebuyers who already signed purchase agreements would otherwise miss the deadline.

The House passed an earlier version of the bill in December, and the Senate approved its own version in March. The Senate is currently working on resolving differences between the two bills.
The National Association of REALTORS® supports the amendment, saying REALTORS® have reported that as many as one-third of qualified applicants have been told by lenders that their loans will not close before June 30 because of the sheer volume of loan applications in the pipeline.

Floor Insurance and Rural Housing

From NAR's REALTOR® Action Center:

Once again, Congress left town without reauthorizing the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Section 502 Rural Housing programs. The NFIP is now expired. The Section 502 Rural Housing program has exhausted its funding and lenders have stopped accepting applications.

Until Congress extends NFIP, no new or renewal flood policies can be issued. Without the flood insurance coverage provided by NFIP, thousands of residential and commercial transactions are on hold.

Congress has also abandoned the Section 502 Rural Housing Program. The housing program provides zero-downpayment mortgages to eligible families in rural area of every state. Many of these families signed contracts before April 30th and plan to utilize the homebuyer tax credit. If this program is not restored soon, they will lose their chance.

Regardless of your location, rebuilding our markets in every corner of America is in every REALTOR®'s interest. The REALTOR Party must speak with one voice to urge Congress to renew both NFIP and the Rural Housing 502 program today. Please contact Congress today.

Why Use a Realtor

Many consumers consider selling their home directly but eventually turn to REALTORS®. Smart home sellers realize they need the expertise in pricing their home, making connections with REALTORS® working with buyers, arranging and staffing open houses, and coordinating with other professionals in the sales process.

Only about half of all real estate agents are REALTORS® -- the top half, in our not-so-humble opinion. REALTORS® work independently, for small agencies, or for large brokerages. They help people buy and sell residential or commercial properties, vacation homes, and land; they conduct appraisals; they operate in the United States and in other countries; some specialize in auctions; and others are buyer's representatives.

Preparing for Home Ownership

Buyer's Guide

Before you begin your home search at, prepare yourself by reading Ten Steps to Homeownership

Homebuying Guides

Even before you begin looking for a home, the homebuying process requires diligent preparation. Buyers who have been preapproved for a home loan often have their offers taken more seriously by sellers. With advance preparation, you can tackle the process of acquiring the financing you need with more confidence. To help you on the path to homeownership, NeighborWorks® offers* free step-by-step guides, developed by the Fannie Mae Foundation, that can help you get closer to achieving your dream:

Knowing and Understanding Your Credit
Opening the Door to a Home of Your Own
Choosing the Mortgage that's Right for You
Borrowing Basics: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

These authoritative homebuying guides (in PDF format) are available in nine languages, including English, Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese. You can download a guide or order a print version online from